Level 1, 360 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 | (03) 8602 6500 | [email protected]
Ben Doedens
Senior BIM Modeller/Documentation Lead
Ben is a valuable member of the 4D Workshop BIM modelling team. He is a highly-proficient Revit technician who is meticulous with respect to the accuracy and clarity of the documentation he produces.
Since joining 4D Workshop, Ben’s modelling speed and capability have developed spectacularly and he has relished the opportunity to work closely with Chris in contributing to the development and refinement of the practice’s dynamic, progressive and responsive modelling and documentation systems.
Ben produced comprehensive, high quality structural BIM models and documentation on a fast-track program for the ACTGO bid phase, and will continue to lead documentation services throughout the delivery phase.
What’s your ideal way to begin a Sunday?
Bacon and eggs or french toast with the family accompanied by Christian music before the family heads to church.
What can you not do without?
Walking two or three times a day - helps keep the mind clear and enjoy nature.
What’s your favourite food?
Is there other options than a Parma & Chips?
Are you a sports fan? Who are your favourite teams?
Cricket and AFL lover - Big bash is the Stars and AFL team is loyal Carlton Blues supporter.
What’s your favourite holiday destination?
Trinity Beach - North Queensland, has been quite a few years but it's a great location & climate.
What’s your favourite season?
I love the heat, so not sure Melbourne is the most ideal place for me.