Dion Philbey

Senior Engineer

Dion is a talented and valued team member of 4D Workshop. Dion has overseen the successful completion of a broad range of projects and always provides high-quality design and documentation services. Dion was a key team member on the Collins house 466 Collins Street residential development. Dion aims to ensure cost effective and buildable solutions to meet the client’s needs while maintaining architectural intent.


What’s your ideal way to begin a Sunday?

Long sleep in and then a full cooked breakfast

What’s your favourite quote?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

What’s the best place you’ve travelled to?

Roman Colosseum, the history, the architecture, the engineering, all amazing

What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

Complete Witcher series

Are you a sports fan? Who are your favourite teams?

Long suffering Melbourne Demons supporter until 2021!!

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Fighter pilot, growing up on an island meant plenty of flying to go anywhere

Talk to us about working at 4D Workshop