Matthew Chau


Matthew graduated from Monash University in 2020 with a Bachelors of Civil Engineering & Commerce (Finance). He joined 4D Workshop as a Graduate Structural Engineer at the start of 2021 and has been involved in projects such as Home Docklands, Promenade Box Hill and the New Footscray Hospital.


What’s for breakfast?

I usually skip breakfast. I don't get very hungry until lunch time.

Why did you study engineering?

Being able to see your computations and drawings on paper come to life was appealing.

Can you speak more than one language?

Yes, I grew up speaking Cantonese with my parents.

Do you have any phobias?

Spiders :(

What’s your favourite season?

I get sweaty easily, so summers out. I get really bad heyfever, so springs out. I get cold easily, so winters out. I guess that leaves me with Autumn. Autumns my favourite season.

How do you like to end your day?

Laying in bed watching random Youtube videos.

Talk to us about working at 4D Workshop