Michael Szafranski

Associate Director

Michael cut his teeth in the high-pressure environment of the Melbourne Convention Centre Development. This early exposure to an intensive, fast-track delivery process formed the platform on which he has built an impressive career and his subsequent development is a testament to his talent and commitment.

Michael will provide high quality and responsive technical support during Schematic Design and Design Development phases and his contribution will increase progressively to see him play a leading role in coordination processes and the delivery of Contract Documentation. Mike is a great communicator and problem solver. His temperament, confidence and technical capability enable him to provide an effective contribution, working both collaboratively and autonomously as required, through all phases of the design and delivery process.


What’s for breakfast?

Most often just toast and coffee, but when I get the chance, a full fry-up on a weekend is always good.

Do you have any pets?

A Golden Retriever named Arlo.

Are you a sports fan? Who are your favourite teams?

I'm a fan of most sports. In the AFL I'm a long suffering Blues fan.

Are you a coffee or tea person?

Coffee - two or three required to get me through the day.

Do you have any hobbies?

Just started learning guitar, although I've been saying the same thing for 10 years.

What’s something you’ve done, but you’ll never do again?

Sky diving

Talk to us about working at 4D Workshop