Level 1, 360 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 | (03) 8602 6500 | [email protected]
Vincent Chung
Associate Director
Vincent is a highly skilled structural engineer who specializes in sophisticated structural modelling and analysis. A key focus of Vincent’s project input will be detailed technical analysis of key structural components, including lateral stability (wind, earthquake, core walls) and serviceability (deflection and vibrations) analyses, to facilitate optimization and effective coordination of these critical structural elements.
Vincent has also established skills to improve technical excellence, delivery capability and reliability of projects. Vincent has extensive experience in developing concepts and delivering optimal design solutions for unique and challenging projects.
What’s your ideal way to begin a Sunday?
Are there any other activities better than early morning Golf with zero distraction from kids?
Why did you study engineering?
I wish someone could have told me earlier to continue staying with construction management before I stepped into this field. Too late!
What’s the best place you’ve travelled to?
Skiing in Japan is sensational, especially the hot spa and hot ramen soup after the skiing through the day.
Are you a coffee or tea person?
I believe this is not a question. Perhaps Melbournians are not going to survive with coffee being exterminated.
Can you speak more than one language?
I am from Malaysia, I wont be able to survice speaking just a type of language in this country.
How do you like to start your day?
There is nothing better than waking up early and start work at 7am, enjoying a cup of coffee with peaceful and quiet environment.